Saturday, October 01, 2011

increased risk of OHSS

                                                    These two folks followed me to kkh today ~

my silly son .. forever so energetic, be it 8am in the morning or 8pm at night ..

I have been suffering from back ache, sore knee & ankle 3 nights in a row & it made me wonder if i am OHSS .. We were at the hospital again this morning and got myself a shock.. Shocked because instead of 15, the scan showed 16+13 follicles, and was told of my increased risk in OHSS .. *oops* i really should have tried harder on my protein intake ..the follies are growing really fast, given that the last scan was just 2 days ago. There were at least 3 above 14 and majority above 10.  Dr thinks i should be ready to retrieve them this coming Wed. I believe the scan next Mon should confirm this .. and this means I have to start handling over my work to various colleagues when I go back to the office on Monday ~  Lily is not going to be pleased.. after all, there are once again manpower shortage in our team, and with Ronald going Beijing for 3-4 months !! I know its not a good time for me to go on hospitalization leave but hey! when then is a good time? I am 37 going on 38, I have been with this company for more than 4yrs with record low MC rate.. I just have to think of myself first this time round.

Perhaps it is the fear of falling into the curse of OHSS, perhaps it is due to my lack of sleep but i was so so tired today. Thank God for Vince is not working today and besides being my chauffeur, he sent me to mom's place so I could nap while he sent Ky to swim class ..

I also discovered brown discharge when i went to the toilet earlier. I hope its nothing alarming .. after all the jabs I've administered, the last I need is to be told the cycle have to be aborted :( .. *keeping my fingers crossed* and hopefully the 3 eggs i ate at yakun this afternoon will help prevent the onset of OHSS ~

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