Sunday, October 02, 2011

dr said "no worries"

I continued to have brown discharge this morning.  I think it shouldn't be anything serious because my ovaries are now working very very hard.  After all, I am having about 15 follicles growing at an amazing rate in each of them. I cannot start to imagine how "swollen" my ovaries are right now.  I jsut received a reply fr dr loh confirming that the discharge is nothing to worry about and I heaved a sigh of relief.  There's nothing more comforting than hearing that from your doctor.

I had a good 8 hours sleep last night and woke up feeling much better than yesterday.  It wasn't so hard to take two packs of immunocol + 3 hard boil egg whites after all.  I got to persevere and continue to increase my protein intake. 

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