Wednesday, December 29, 2004

6th week checkup

went for my 6th week checkup at dr soon clinic. luckily i went .. cos there were some extra tissues "there" due to the Episiotomy done & dr put some chemicals (she used the word chemical) to dissolve it. no wonder i felt strange .. like its unlike before .. the 2 stitches she did healed completely though. phew! it didnt at 2 wks and dr wanted to take the remaining out which i didnt want to cos it will hurt. so i went home and guai-guai use the sodium to speed up recovery.

told her my menses came & went & came back again just when i tot it was going to end totally. she said it could be my body trying to menstrate! god! to any other pp, this may nt be good news but to me, yes! i do not ovulate & Kyros was a bonus to me .. i've always been thankful it took me just half a yr to conceive. in any case, dr said this menses shd end in a few days & regulate in the next 1, 2 or 3 mths, it all depends. dr was very assuring .. said PCO maybe reversed after delivery .. i told her that my hair has been dropping like mad & i suffer fm acne, all in the name of PCO & we are keeping our fingers crossed i may be that lucky fella to come out of it. meanwhile, my hair has been strong, Thank God!

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