Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Do you really have to dampen my spirits before my vacation?

I fail to see how this is my fault. 

I have informed my one level up about my intention for 2 weeks leave beginning 26 April.  Unfortunately, Kristy's son's health is not in the best condition to undergo a major operation and she had to postpone his surgery which was originally planned for on 29 March.  She was to go on leave from 29-March to 20 April.  But now, with the surgery rescheduled to 20 Apr, it will clash with my vacation.  2 of us work as a pair and back each other up on our work. My one level up asked Kristy to swap leave period with me.  This meant I will have to source and book airtickets and accommodation within a week.  I did it last night & applied for leave right away.

This morning, my one level up was mad.  How do I know? Oh well, she complaint to Ronald, Kristy, Audrey .. basically the entire team but me. ME! whom she is mad at??  I mean, hello??? I would expect you to come to me.  And then I will remind you that you were the one who suggested Kristy asked ME for a swap of leave.  I will only accept the blame for not being able to attend CISCO training next Mon/Tues but beyond that?  Sorry, No. Kristy was not supposed to be here right now isn't it?  So what is the problem exactly?  And I'm most upset cos I felt I had so much to compromise yet have my vacation spirits dampened.  I do know a vacation of any kind is insignificant compared to a child's life, and that is the reason why I have been juggling between work, son, school work, ECA and trying to book a package. 

I miss Johnny,  I miss LF.