Sunday, November 18, 2007


aiyo .. ive been buying these .. im not sure if they work but im just too soft-hearted .. lily says they are really good .. and i parted with my monies :(!!

update 8 dec 2007:
the lotion is not too bad .. they stay matt on my skin so that spares me the trouble of having to clean my fingertips off to avoid staining my keyboard
imperfection lotion: they do nothing for me :(
chitosorb: the most expensive of all. but im not sure if it works cos ive nt been regular at taking this and my weight is still climbing.
extra gentle cleaner: this gives me big red angry looking pimples within 3 days and its been sitting on my vanity top with 95% left

hk colleague

Our HK Collegue was here for a short visit last week .. Karen, we missed you!! No GIA updates during yr absense and that makes me miss u more!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

God Will Make A Way

This is a lousy week. I got scolded by a customer, and it wasnt even my fault. But thats ok. Project Managers are "sorry" Managers. And all of the cases I have on hand got stuck! Gosh! Its been smooth-sailing for 3 months! The lest I need is a delayed backhaul upgrade!!! and what? Commercial Terms yet to be sorted out? Please lah! Not my problem ok! And my order into Sydney? No reply!! Why are they so slow? 2 weeks to log orders?? please leh, what era are you in?? Go do something about your processes lah.

Thank God for my aussie colleague Jennifer who is so so prompt in replying her mails! And I just knew we could depend on her to chase chase chase .. chase and chase and pant and pant ... and pant ..

I prayed so hard yesterday. And I ended my week with a happy heart :) Who said miracles dont happen? Ask and it will be given, knock and the door will be opened!!

I love the song God Will Make a Way & I have been listening to these the album by Don Moen for months. It soothes me whenever I feel overwhelmed, frustrated, lost and helpless.

God Will Make A Way

Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way He will make a way

tickle of the day

Tickle of the Day

We had a colleague by the name of Christopher XXX, commonly known as Chris.

One cute little HK counterpart however, said in her mail one day: "Let me check with Christ first" And I replied: "Oh?! How wonderful! I didnt know Christ works in Telstra!! How blessed are we that he works among us!!" Hahaha .. Ya ya we knew it was most likely a case of typo-error but it pleases us the same that someone else, knowingly or unknowingly, is reminding us that Christ lives among us!!! He is with us!! Praise the Lord!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm pissed!

3 months into my new job and I think I am handling the role fine. Well, I can be left alone to handle my day-to-day and I can write fine business letters. But she still find things to complain. Oh yes I agree I can be careless once or twice and make silly little type-errors but for God's sake! could you please stop to think for a minute before you call me nonstop to nag on those ?? I pride myself on being a responsible and responsive PM! You should try those people whom we are working with and tell me I am no good. I dont think there is any thing wrong with the way I write my emails? its really a matter of perception in my opinion but you really pissed me off!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

my little cousin

kyros and my little cousin .. oh yes. thats his little "ah-yee" .. but my almost 3 years old son also finds it puzzling why this "ah-yee" is so different from her "julia ah-yee" and "agnes ah-yee"?! lol .. unless my youngest aunt decides another, megan is most likely to be my youngest cousin .. hmm .. and that makes us 21 in all!! minus spouses .. lol ..